Toronto Zoo part 2

Continued from part 1

Before I start I just want to tell a story from the zoo.
As we were walking out there we walked by the cocoons and Emily stopped me (I didn’t notice at first because I was just too tired) there was some jack donkey and his girl friend (I assume) who was filming him as he dropped chocolate into the raccoons making them fight over it. He did this while leaning on a “don’t feed” sign.
Emily properly told him off and he seemed (or pretended) to not know that you should’t feed animals at the zoo chocolate.

I am glad all my readers are way too smart to do that…


These cute guys enjoyed chilling around in the tree.

They also cuddled pretty good


These tall horses have some interesting patterns and expressive faces. It is hard to get a close up enough see all the interesting details, while still capturing their size.

Peacocks, beautiful birds

Peacocks, beautiful birds

What ever the opposite of a peacock is

What ever the opposite of a peacock is


IT was later in the day at this point and hard to get a fast enough shutter speed to capture them. I should have dialed up the ISO more, and just expected the noise.


There only a few we could see so I could’t get a picture of a herd of them, but there should a be some pictures somewhere in the profile that have some I took in Florida. Then you can see how the markings hide them among them selves making it hard for a predator to follow just one.



Check out the back of the wings. I guess if they don’t fly, they don’t need feathers on the inside.


